Business Law


Whether you identify your business model as such, all of those designing, commencing and putting a business model into action are entrepreneurs.

Because entrepreneurs are pursuing a novel opportunity while lacking access to required resources, entrepreneurs face considerable risk – funding and finance risk, technology risk, and of course supply chain disruption, as well as demand risk – getting them in the door, providing the product or service they want then convincing them and getting it signed on the dotted line.

Our role is to identify and achieve the right outcome in respect to proposals for companies, business structures, commercial agreements, construction contracts, trusts and commercial and retail leasing. Getting it right from the get-go sets you on the road to success with the assurance that you have the right structure and vehicle to carry your new venture forward, or to reconfigure your existing structure. We achieve those goals through careful contract and other commercial and property-related drafting and negotiation.

Contact one of our business lawyers today on 03 5364 2943